Effective wellbeing content and strategic communications for successful wellness programs.

Behavior change marketing to shape behavior, promote resources and breathe life into wellness programs. Our aim is to create a real demand and sincere interest for employees to focus on self-care, adopt a healthier mind-set and believe they can successfully be their best selves.

100% Original Content Following Six Principles
Content delivers evidence-based information written with a creative writing style that is more digestible and inspirational.  Plain language and attractive images are combined following these six principles for  crafting messages that are more likely to be absorbed in the mind including:
1. Simplicity so messages are concise and profound.
2. Emotional appeal to elicit feelings.
3. Concrete clear ideas that are meaningful.
4. Credible so messages are believed.
5. Unexpectedness to engage curiosity to be impactful.
6. Anecdotal for a quicker more memorable understanding.

Inspired Engagement puts a fresh twist on health promotion. The innovative ideas and cutting edge programming makes it hard for you to not want to participate. You do a fantastic job customizing anything and everything the client needs, and in a timely manner. The e-Newsletter is well received by the employees and extremely interactive with live links and up-to-date health information. You are amazing to work with and I would recommend Inspired Engagement to anyone looking for a customizable wellness program or information.

– Health Promotions Manager, NextEra Energy, Inc.